How to fight Cancer a battle plan to fight against Cancer ?
This is our suggestion for your battle plan: fight cancer the Cancer Care Therapy way.
1. Give your total commitment to fight the disease
2. Seek proper medical advice
3. Take herbs
4. Eat rightly
5. Lead a stress- free life
When we think of war, what comes uppermost to our mind is Vietnam. Mighty America went to the battle field with the most sophisticated gadgets and weapons of war. Might, terror money and brain went into the fight to win. The Vietnamese had primitive weaponry and burrowed them selves into the ground to avoid the mighty Americans. The world knows, the Vietnamese won the war!
Perhaps fighting cancer is like the above war ? Surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy etc, are advanced, mighty fire power. Cancer cells are just tiny enemies floating and circulating around in the blood stream that later attach them selves to certain tissues of the body. Can these awesome treatments destroy all cancerous cells yet at the same time not destroy the host i.e.. you and your living systems ?
In our strategy to fight cancer, while we advise you to seek the assistance of modern medicine, we also feel you should benefit from the traditional methods of healing. We think you should help your body to build or rebuild a strong immune system. Let your own body’s defense system destroy or fight the cancerous cells. Fight the war from within! The mighty, sophisticated weaponry of modern medicine may not be totally effective!
1. Total Commitment to fight the disease.
This is your battle, not ours. We help you with our advice but you have to fight the battle yourself. Indeed, it is also your last fight. And if you do not have that fighting spirit, no one else can help you.
Some people may comment that taking the Typhonium Flagelliforme capsule can be harmful; surely, it cannot be worse than chemotherapy! Sometimes, taking herbs can make your stomach churn for one or two days. Then, you give up. If you have doubts you can take anything, the suspicious brain sends suspicious signals and your body reacts negatively.
We have not come across anyone taking Typhonium Flagelliforme who later suffer from adverse side effects. We are also aware that it is difficult to change a stubborn or unbelieving attitude. A friend once told us of a doctor who said, Eating herbs is like eating grass, implying that those who eat herbs are cows! If you have that frame of mind, then this battle plan is not for you. You have lost the battle even before it starts.
Referring to the comment of the learned doctor, we have this to say: cows only eat grass, and because they only eat grass, we do not hear of cows having serious problems like cancer, heart attacks or diabetes. It is because human beings are not cows or do not (only) eat grass that we have all these man-made killer diseases.
2. Seek proper medical advice
If you have cancer, we urge you to seek proper medical advice. We absolutely believe that the role of modern medicine should not be ignored. All along we also advocate that you need to seek the best and benefit from both modern and traditional medicines.
As you will probably know, doctors have the following options for you:
- Surgery – cut and remove the diseased cancerous tissue.
- Radiotherapy – use high energy rays to burn and kill the surrounding tissues.
- Chemotherapy – inject poisonous chemicals into your body in the hope of killing the cancerous cells. This unfortunately also kills your good cells and weakens the immune system of your body.
- In advanced countries, you can undergo a bone marrow transplant. In this case, the doctor tries to kill everything in your body and then grow a new life system in you.
- If all these fail, the doctor gives up. You have come to the end of the road. The doctor sends you home with a good supply of pain killers or morphine. You are ready to die. They call that palliative management.
Many of those who came to us have undergone the first three medical steps and are at the fifth. From the experiences of these people, we conclude that there are at least two types of doctors.
One, there is the doctor who is understanding. He knows his job yet admits his knowledge is limited. Your are lucky to have him as your doctor. Go to him for help. He may not object to your taking traditional herbs as supplements.
There is, however, the other kind of doctor who thinks that only his treatment is the best. Absolutely no herbs. Adhere strictly to his treatment or he shows you the door. This God-like attitude is most unfortunate. Avoid this kind of doctor if you can. Shop around for the first kind. If you have no choice and are compelled to go to this man-God, simply do not let him know that you are taking herbs. Anyway, if there is nothing wrong taking fresh orange or apple juice, what is the big fuss about taking fresh green juice extracted from a Typhonium Flagelliforme?
3. Alternative way take Extract:
They are many available herbs in market for cancer. Our recommendation to cure from cancer is to consume capsule Typhonium Flagelliforme.
4. Eat Rightly: Food for healthy living.
In a booklet, Patients’ Handbook on Chemotherapy, handed out by the Cancer Hospital the following is written:
Q14: Is there any special nutritional advice I should follow ? There is no particular food that you should avoid. It is important to have a well-balanced diet, one that is high in protein... Examples of food that are high in protein are meat, fish, egg, milk etc.
- Cook and prepare your food at home. Avoid eating out. To say this to Penangites (who live in a hawkers’ paradise) is depressing but all the same we repeat: absolutely no hawker food if you want to win this war. The reason for this simple. You do not know what goes into the food you eat – oil, salt, additives, etc. you need live and not dead food.
- Avoid fried and oily food. This include butter and margarine. They are not good for the liver. If you have to use oil at all, use olive oil. Avoid too much salt. Note also that refined white sugar is not good.
- Reduce meat intake to the minimum. Some may ask. Where then can I get my protein? The answer is simple. From beans and grains, etc.
- Take plenty of vegetables of all kinds, especially the green cruciferous types. In order to have diverse nutrition, take beans and other fruit vegetables. Where possible, take vegetables raw or in the least cooked form. Do not overcook them.
- Drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices. Bathe your entire inner body with this living fluid. This means you need to drink plenty of such juices. Try carrot, celery, apple juices. Note: just one glass is not enough!
- Take plenty of fresh fruits. Again, just a slice or two is not eating fruits!
- Absolutely avoid all canned or processed food. For some people, having to take fresh juices and fruits can be cumbersome – the peeling, extraction, washing etc. the convenient thing to do then is to resort to canned or bottled materials. Stop that entirely. You are just killing yourself.
If you are not used to the above diet, take it easy and make the changes gradually. Soon you will get used to it. To many, this diet is a radical change from rich, tasty meat dishes to bland vegetarian fare. But, do not grumble. The ancient Chinese wisdom of defining good healthy food cannot be wrong!
5. Lead a stress-free life.
In the book, Imperial Secrets of Health and Longevity, Bob Flaws wrote, Westerners did not know how to live healthy lives ... a long as patients did not eat right and live moderately, they either continued to be sick or got sick again soon.
In short, let us sum up the wisdom of the Chinese health theory: to conserve one’s life, do everything in moderation and lead a stress-free life.
Anger arouses the ascent of qi Joy induces sluggishness of the qi
Excessive sorrow dissipates the qi Fear causes the deceit of the qi
Fright causes the disturbance of the qi And worry causes stagnation of the qi
[In Lin & Flaws: The Dao of Increasing Longevity and Conserving One’s Life]
Your sick body needs help to rebuild it self. The immune system within you needs to fight these cancerous cells. Therefore, it is most sensible for you to do your part to conserve your qi and not abuse and waste it unnecessarily.